Plains, Fields, Meadows
The land of Texas consists of numerous enormous regions, from which some are more fertile than the others, but in the end, all are home to different flora and wildlife.
The local plains are historically a part of many myths and legends, and you can be sure to feel their magic as well while driving on the roads that are surrounded by these lands. After all, Texas boasts a size of 268,596 square miles (695,662 sq km), so you will certainly have a lot of natural beauty to look forward to.
It’s time to set out on a trip through some of the natural beauty of Texas! You can keep calm, however, as we won’t ask you to drag your trucks over high mountains or deep river ravines. You can enjoy taking a look at the unique local rock formations just the way you like it - from the comfort of your interior. So buckle up, because it might still turn out to be a bumpy, rock-covered, ride!

Offshore Shipyard
The offshore service near Corpus Christi has completed some of the biggest projects in the world. Its specialization includes the design and deconstruction of offshore oil rigs, working with shipwrecks, and construction of other subsea and offshore structures.
Located in Brownsville, the other facility presents the foremost offshore shipyard in the Gulf of Mexico, and its experienced workforce is focused more on the oil rigs. With the up-to-date technological innovation, players who will find themselves inside this area will definitely have a huge story to tell!
Cotton Gin
It’s time to reveal another new industry arriving in the upcoming Texas DLC for American Truck Simulator. And once again, as is often the case with this state, it’s going to be something big! Let’s take a look at the Cotton Industry and explore what makes the local production unique.
Texas produces more cotton than any other state in the entire U.S., with roughly 40% of the country’s total production. The fields are located mostly northwest and southeast, covering more than nine million acres, which is an area equivalent of approximately 14,000 square miles (36,259 square kilometers).
Logging Industry
Due to the sheer size of Texas DLC, driving through the eastern and western parts might sometimes feel like two different sides of one coin. The various biomes always pave the way for specific industries, and there is one extremely important focused mainly on the east. Let’s take a look at the local logging industry and everything that it will have to offer!
Intermodal Terminals
When you get your hands on the wheel in American Truck Simulator, after hours and hours of driving on the roads it can be easy to sometimes forget that cargo and materials can be transported by other means as well.
In Texas DLC, you will have the chance to visit Intermodal Terminals, which are special areas where the so-called transport modes meet.
Car Factories
While trucking and exploring the vast state of Texas in the upcoming DLC for American Truck Simulator, you might end up picking up a job or two from a couple of large car manufacturing plants. Today we will take a closer look at these two car factories and their impact on the local economy and industry.
The relationship between trucks and agriculture is something that some people might find trivial, yet it’s important to realize how crucial this cooperation actually is. Gone are now the days of small-scale farming in the backyards since the modern dedicated lands are growing in size rapidly. And what better place to look at as an example of this development than the state of Texas, which has 127 million acres of agricultural land?
Oil Fields and Chemical Plants
Texas has a rich history when it comes to the oil and chemical industry. From the first noted discovery of oil in 1894 to having more than one-fourth of the nation's 100 largest oil fields, Texas has become a major player in the industry.
In our upcoming Texas DLC for American Truck Simulator, players can deliver to and from oil and chemical industries found across the state.
Space Industry
Space, the final frontier. Since 1957, humankind has been set on exploring what is beyond our earth and today, we are excited to share with you how virtual truckers can be a part of these historical and ground breaking missions.
Texas is home to state-of-the-art development and test sites for multiple commercial space firms, and research shows that the space industry is big work for the state, bringing in 11 billion dollars per year in revenue and providing hundred of thousands of jobs.
Texas-sized Transport
We were holding back a bit on using the phrase "everything is bigger in Texas" on our blog in the last couple of months but in this article, it seems impossible to just go ahead without bringing the famous quote up. As you will see, even the Special Transport missions will have to reflect this legendary saying!

Cities & Settlements
Here comes the first blog post in 2022! And we think it's a good idea to start with something big. Something Texas-sized even! You know, everything is bigger in Texas. At least that's what they say. And while the term itself probably originates from the state's enormous geographical area, Texas used to have six of the fifteen fastest-growing cities in America up until the year 2015.
Perhaps, thanks to this, there are bigger populated areas filled to the brim as well. Let's take a look at some of the Cities and Settlements that will be featured in the upcoming Texas DLC and find out!
Coastline Cities
It is a tradition at this point to start a blog article involving Texas DLC with something big. Did you know that the shoreline length which boundaries the coastal geography of the Gulf of Mexico is 367 miles (591 km)?! That is quite an impressive number!
And it is therefore hardly a surprise that this upcoming map expansion for American Truck Simulator will feature several cities that are located along the coastline.
El Paso
Situated at the edge of the U.S.-Mexico border, the West Texas town of El Paso is home to a range of cultures and historical sites unique to the Lone Star State. An average of 320 days of sunshine has earned it the nickname “Sun City,” so you’re practically guaranteed to spend your visit enjoying the outdoors.
Water Tanks
What if we told you there is a massive structure type in The Lone Star State with a fairly underrated meaning and purpose that might just go over your head (literally) from time to time?
We will draw attention to the local Water Tanks featured in Texas DLC, so you will always remember to look upwards when passing them by on your trucking journey throughout this wonderful state.
Cities and Settlements #2
You might remember the blog article from a while ago that was the first part of the cities and settlements coming in the Texas DLC for American Truck Simulator. We are back with even more areas that are now ready to be presented to you. Saddle up and join us for another ride across the Lone Star State.

Truck Stops
The local truck stops in Texas will be much bigger than the ones in any other state. However, in addition to that, the number of available gas stations and rest stops will be much higher as well. While driving through some of the previously released map expansions you can usually find one truck stop near every city.
But now, in Texas, we are aiming to have a much higher rate of truck stops - near almost every city and junction that you will drive through so you will be able to take a break from your journey!
Rest Stops
It is time to (masterfully) park your mighty truck, turn off the engine for a while, and explore the Rest Stops that are coming with the Texas DLC for American Truck Simulator!
There will be more than two dozen rest stops available in the DLC with many of them featuring landmark buildings and separate parking spots for trucks and cars. And with such a high amount of these areas, it’s safe to say that The Lone Star State truly goes "all in" on offering the travelers as many opportunities as possible to take the unavoidable break on their journeys.
Interchanges & Bridges
When working on an upcoming DLC, we are always trying to provide the most accurate interpretation of the local road network, and as much as it would’ve been interesting to only have straight roads in the real world, the intersections and bridges are a necessity that every trucker needs to take into consideration.
Let’s take a look at some of these road areas that you will be able to drive through in the Texas map expansion for ATS.
Route 66
If you ever plan to motor west, get your kicks on route 66! This Historic Highway was one of the first to span across the Midwest, Great Plains, and Southwest; and is arguably the United States' most famous stretch of road. So buckle up! It's time to take a trip down a portion of this iconic route in our upcoming Texas DLC for American Truck Simulator.

*Images displayed here were created by our concept artists for other developers as a source of inspiration or potential ideas. Please keep in mind that anything in this section is not meant as a promise of future content of any of the upcoming expansions.

Howdy, partners! Hope y'all will like your visit in the Lone Star State, Texas. This place ain't full of cowboys anymore but the spirit lives on, especially in ranches you can find all 'round. We also got a lot of cattle and other livestock so your truckin' adventures will be lively.
We also love music. Like, really love music. Just look at Austin, the live music capital of the world. Party on. Look plumb over yonder and you'll see the city which got the message about the problem. Sure'nuff, we're talking about Houston. So enjoy the drive.
Get your lasso ready and catch all the news by hittin' the follow button and wishlisting Texas on the Steam store page. This probably ain’t your first rodeo.
If you have any questions about this map expansion, please feel free to contact us anytime at